why this image?
Because it says a little something about me, Ray Bauer.
signature [ sig-nuh-cher, -choor ]
noun – any unique, distinguishing aspect, feature, or mark.
adjective – serving to identify or distinguish a person, group, etc.
Graphic design, website & marketing solutions.
Professional design doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.
rBAUERdesign is a small design firm based in Grand Rapids, Michigan and led by myself – Ray Bauer. I have an understanding of – and dedication to – the design and marketing process necessary to fulfill a company’s communication needs.
I bring design, layout, creative and art direction experience to the table in addition to applied marketing tactics from the advertising agencies and marketing firms I worked at for over 25 years. Since 2009, as an independent freelance designer and marketer, I’ve been offering my talents and services at reasonable rates – while still providing access to all of my full-service resources.
So, whether you’re looking to fulfill a single graphic design project (logo, brochure, website etc), or a full marketing program, rBAUERdesign is the place to come where marketing experience and communication solutions won’t cost you an arm and a leg.